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Warren Buffett Says This Is the Most Important Financial Decision — and It's Not Investing

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Bibhu Pattnaik


March 2, 2025



Billionaire investor Warren Buffett has disclosed that his success is not solely due to his financial expertise, but also hinges on his selection of a life partner.

What Happened: In a dialogue with Bill Gates in 2017, Buffett credited his successful journey to his choice of spouse.

During the conversation, Buffett, who is the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, underscored the significance of surrounding oneself with individuals who foster personal development.

“You want to associate with people who are the kind of person you'd like to be. You'll move in that direction. And the most important person by far in that respect is your spouse. I can't overemphasize how important that is," Buffett said.

At the 2015 Most Powerful Women Summit, Buffett advised that the key to a successful marriage is to find a partner with modest expectations, rather than concentrating on physical attractiveness, moral character, or a sense of humor.

Also Read: Warren Buffett’s Unconventional Career Advice: ‘Don’t Save Your Passion For Later, It’s Like Saving Up Sex For Your Old Age’

Despite being ranked as the eighth wealthiest individual globally, Buffett cherishes the unconditional love he received from his wife, Susan Buffett, more than his financial assets. “Being given unconditional love is the greatest benefit you can ever get," he expressed to MBA students in a 2008 lecture.

Buffett and Susan tied the knot in 1952 and had three offspring. Following Susan’s demise in 2004, Buffett wedded Astrid Menks, a close friend of the Buffetts.

Why It Matters: Buffett’s perspective on success and marriage provides a unique insight into the personal values of one of the world’s most successful investors.

It underscores the importance of personal relationships in achieving success, a factor often overlooked in the business world.

This revelation may inspire future entrepreneurs and investors to consider their personal relationships when planning their career paths.

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